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Department of State Growth

kunanyi/Mount Wellington strategic review

On 23 May 2024, the Tasmanian Government announced a strategic review of kunanyi/Mount Wellington to develop a long-term vision for the mountain, including Wellington Park.

kunanyi/Mount Wellington is a prominent and much loved landmark for all Tasmanians and visitors alike, offering both cultural and environmental significance.

Whilst there are challenges associated with Tasmania’s most visited natural asset; the Government is determined to understand what needs to change so that Tasmania’s future vision for our iconic mountain can be turned into a reality.

The review will be highly consultative and focus on three key themes: Visitor experience, Values, and Administration. The review is planned to take place over 12 months, with consultation commencing later in 2024.

The project website will be updated as planning proceeds.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why is the review needed?

kunanyi/Mount Wellington is one of Tasmania’s most treasured places.

In 2023, the mountain recorded over 410,000 visitors, while Cradle Mountain and Freycinet National Park recorded visitors of 273,000 and 287,000 respectively.

This high level of visitation puts stress on the mountain’s infrastructure, and there have been calls from stakeholders urging for significant investment and improvements to the mountain and the way that it is enjoyed and valued. A management planning process is underway, and a visitor strategy has recently been completed, but there are longer-term funding, resourcing and administrative challenges that need to be addressed.

There are also many competing visions and interests for the future of the mountain with multiple landholders and stakeholders calling for funding and change. A holistic, longer term outlook for the mountain is needed.

The strategic review will firstly develop a long term community vision for kunanyi/Mount Wellington and identify how best to deliver that vision for the entire community. Vision considerations include visitor experience, cultural and environmental values, funding and resourcing, and arrangements for the management and administration of kunanyi/Mount Wellington.

How can I provide input into this review?

State Growth will work with key stakeholders, including landowners, to finalise the terms of reference for the review.

Further details will be available on this website in due course, including how the community can provide input.

How does this review interact with the previous cable car proposal?

The review has no interaction with the previous cable car proposal.

Access to the mountain, including to the summit, will be one of many things considered as part of the review. It will consider all modes of transport.

How does the review impact the Wellington Park Management Trust?

The Wellington Park Management Trust is currently reviewing its Wellington Park Management Plan.

The Tasmanian Government’s strategic review is designed to complement the Trust’s Plan. The strategic review will help develop a long term community vision for the mountain, which may cover a longer time horizon than the Trust’s Plan.

Together, the Plan and strategic review will help shape the future of the kunanyi/Mount Wellington.

Who is leading the review?

The Department of State Growth is leading the strategic review of kunanyi/Mount Wellington.

What are the expected outcomes of the review?

It is anticipated that the strategic review of kunanyi/Mount Wellington will lead to a long term community vision, along with recommendations about what needs to change in order to deliver on that vision.