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Department of State Growth

Tasmania’s quality produce hits Hong Kong shelves

06 Nov 2018

Tasmania’s acclaimed food and beverages are taking centre stage at a dedicated promotion in Hong Kong’s leading supermarket chain, ParkNShop. Running through November, ParkNShop Hong Kong is hosting a dedicated Tasmanian in-store ‘island’ to showcase Tasmanian seafood, honey, salads, sea salt, fruit juices and more.

The promotion is led by key distributor of Tasmanian foods, Tas’Mania, together with the support of the Tasmanian Government and following the recent trade mission to Asia.

The promotion builds awareness of the provenance and quality of our award winning foods and beverages and is supported by a social media campaign, online promotions, producer appearances and celebrity chef cooking displays.

Tasmanian companies included in the showcase include Houston’s Farm, Juicy Isle, Huon Aquaculture, Woodbridge Smokehouse, Tasman Salt, Wellington Apiary, Tasmanian Grocer, Hill Farm Preserves, RubiGold Apples and Reid Fruits.