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Department of State Growth

More Midland Highway safety upgrades delivered

16 Oct 2020

A $39 million package of improvements to the highway between St Peters Pass and south of Tunbridge has been completed.

The project, undertaken by Hazell Bros, delivered road alignment and junction improvements, extensions to sealed shoulders, additional overtaking lanes and installation of a flexible safety barrier, with more work on the Midland Highway to come.

Work has also started on a 1.9-kilometre stretch of the highway from Powranna Road to south of Symmons Plains and later this month further upgrades will begin on a 1.1-kilometre section of the highway from south of Blackman River Bridge to Tunbridge Tier Road.

To date, approximately 90 kilometres of the Midland Highway 10 Year Action Plan is complete, with around 60 kilometres remaining in design and in construction.

The Midland Highway upgrade project continues to create jobs and support local business, with the contractors involved in the three projects all Tasmanian owned and operated.