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Department of State Growth

Community feedback sought on Bridgewater Bridge Project

16 Oct 2020

Four of Australia’s top construction companies have submitted proposals for consideration to build the $576 million Bridgewater Bridge.

Building a new Bridgewater Bridge is a once-in-a-generation project that will improve safety, reduce congestion and deliver a more reliable journey for the thousands of people who use the bridge and surrounding roads each day.

The proposals are now being assessed and two companies will be appointed to start a competitive Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) design and tender process in December, before a contract is awarded at the end of next year.

A reference design has been released and feedback is now being sought from the community via commenting on the interactive map and two feedback sessions are being held. The feedback period closes on Friday 13 November 2020. Comments received will be provided to the two shortlisted construction companies to assist them in developing their own detailed designs to be submitted as part of their tenders.

The reference design is an example only and may evolve during the competitive design process as tenderers use their specialist knowledge and expertise to improve the design to achieve the best outcome.