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Department of State Growth

Avalon Airshow 2025

Expression of Interest

Expressions of Interest for Avalon International Airshow 2025 will close on Tuesday 13 August, 2024.

Questions marked with an asterisk * are compulsory.

* Do you wish to join the Defence Tasmania delegation as an exhibitor on-stand or as a rover?

Business profile

* Business name:

* ABN:

* Business address:

* Business website:

* Key contact name:

* Key contact role title:

* Key contact phone number:

* Key contact email address:

* Please provide a brief description of the business and its products / services:

* Have you previously attended the Avalon International Airshow?

Defence and Aviation Capability

please complete this section if you selected ‘exhibitor’ above

Does your business currently have customers in the defence and/or aviation sector?

Briefly describe the product/s or service/s that you will promote throughout Avalon International trade show (please be as specific as possible):

Exhibitors at Avalon International Airshow may have the opportunity to incorporate large products into the stand design, with the cost split between the exhibitor and the Department of State Growth. Do you wish to display any products or large pieces of equipment on the Defence Tasmania stand?

If yes, please provide details of your exhibit, including approximate dimensions.

Attach images, technical drawings, or other designs of the product(s) you wish to include on the stand.

If successful, what equipment would you need to display your products (i.e. internet connectivity, power, etc.)

Market opportunities

What do you see as your business’s opportunities in the broader Australian market?

Are there any specific goals you have for the Australian market, or activities you wish to participate in or undertake? (Commercial-in-confidence details should be omitted.)

Are there any specific businesses or other organisations you would like to engage with at Avalon International Airshow?

Further Information

  • Expressions of interest will remain confidential and are non-binding.
  • Your expression of interest does not guarantee participation in the tradeshow.
  • An invitation will be issued to successful delegates.
  • Selected delegates will be responsible for organising, confirming and paying for
    • their own flights, accommodation and on-ground costs
    • freight logistics, additional storage, and any on-stand equipment in addition to what is provided to be shared with the Department of State Growth
    • company specific marketing collateral for use on the stand
  • Selected businesses will be responsible for maintaining company staffing on the Defence Tasmania stand during exhibition opening hours
  • Selected business participants have the opportunity to apply for the Accelerating Trade Program which offers support on a co-contribution up to $10,000 to support in market trade activities. Conditions apply.

Information Collection and Disclosure Statement

You are providing personal information to the Department of State Growth (the Department). State Growth will manage your personal information in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act 2004 (Tas).

The personal information collected here will be used by the Department for the evaluation of Expressions of Interest (EOI), communications and dealings relating to the Avalon International Airshow Exhibition 2025.

The Department may disclose your personal information to third parties in circumstances allowed for by law. You have the right to access your personal information by request to the Department.

You may also request to have your information withdrawn at any time. If you withdraw, information you have provided will be deleted from the Department’s systems and any hard copies destroyed.

Please note that information provided in response to this EOI may be subject to a request for disclosure under the Right to Information Act 2009 however personal or commercially sensitive information relating to identifiable entities may be eligible for exemption. If the Department receives an application for identifying information from this EOI, you will be offered the opportunity to provide your views in relation to any contemplated disclosure.

For further information please read the Department’s Personal Information Protection Policy.

By clicking submit you confirm the supplied information is true and correct, you have read the Information Collection and Disclosure Statement and authorise the Department to retain your personal information for the purposes identified on this form.

Verification and submission

Please verify your submission and click the Submit button.