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Department of State Growth

Hong Kong and mainland China Trade and Investment Mission 2024

Hong Kong and China are identified in the Tasmanian Trade Strategy 2019 - 2025 as priority markets for broad trade and international engagement. China is Tasmania’s leading trading market, while Hong Kong ranks within the top ten.

The Department of State Growth is planning a Premier-led trade and investment mission to Hong Kong and mainland China from 4 – 8 November 2024, with travel occurring either side of these dates. Tasmanian businesses and industry leaders are invited to express their interest in being selected to join the mission.

Expressions of Interest are open to all sectors. This mission will present opportunities for food and beverage, tourism and education based businesses and the program development for those sectors will be supported by Trade Tasmania, Tourism Tasmania and Study Tasmania.

The Tasmanian Trade and Investment Representative for Greater China, Vivian Zhao, will support the design of a comprehensive in-market program and the development of multiple opportunities to pursue trade growth across the visited regions.

Priority will be given to those businesses likely to achieve commercial outcomes or strengthen the Tasmanian brand in-market.


Dates, locations, and specific areas of opportunity for the mission will be confirmed through this Expression of Interest (EOI) process.

This mission will align with the Fourth Joint Committee Meeting for Cooperation and Development between Tasmania and its sister state in China, Fujian Province and will take place in Fuzhou.

The mission will incorporate the regions of Hong Kong, Fuzhou – Fujian Province and Shanghai. If there are other regions of interest, these can be noted in the EOI submission and will be considered through the assessment process.

The draft itinerary is as follows:


Sunday, 3 November

Arrival into Hong Kong no later than this date

Monday, 4 November

Hong Kong – Market overview and insights, retail tour and Tasmania Showcase event

Tuesday, 5 November

Hong Kong – travel – Fuzhou, Fujian Province*

Wednesday, 6 November

Fuzhou, Fujian Province*

Thursday, 7 November`

Fuzhou, Fujian Province* - travel – Shanghai

Friday, 8 November

Shanghai - Market overview and insights, retail tour and Tasmania Showcase event

Saturday, 9 November

Return travel to Tasmania

*This location may not be relevant for all businesses, and alternate options may be made

Expressions of interest will open 1 July  2024

Further Information

  • Expressions of interest will remain commercial-in-confidence and are non-binding.
  • Your expression of interest does not guarantee participation in the mission.
  • Priority will be given to those likely to achieve commercial outcomes or strengthen the Tasmanian brand in-market. The Department of State Growth has the right to reject any application without being obliged to discuss the reasons for doing so. Any decision made by the department will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  • An invitation will be issued to successful delegates.
  • Selected delegates will be responsible for organising, confirming and paying for their own international flights, accommodation, transfers, visas and on-ground costs.
  • Selected delegates are required to adhere to the country entry requirements applicable to the time of travel.
  • Selected business participants have the opportunity to apply for the Accelerating Trade Program which offers support on a co-contribution up to $10 000 to support in market trade activities. Conditions apply. The Program is currently closed.  It is expected to re-open in the coming weeks, and we will provide further information in relation to this when advising EOI outcomes.

Please email with any enquiries.