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Department of State Growth

Review of Tasmania's Private Planation Estate

A panel was established in 2013 to investigate and report on the existing Tasmanian privately owned hardwood plantation estate and the best ways to enhance its value to landowners and the Tasmanian community.

Terms of Reference


To undertake an assessment of the privately-owned hardwood plantation resource in Tasmania and ​report to the Minister for Energy and Resources recommended option(s) for enhancing the value of the resource for the owners of the resource and the community more generally.


The Panel’s functions were to:

Stage 1:

  1. ​Consult with  the  forest  growers  (or  their  collective  representatives), private landowners with a material interest in tree growing, the forest industry, the rural community, and other stakeholders to explore future options for the hardwood plantation estate in Tasmania.
  2. Consolidate data and evidence, where possible, on existing hardwood plantation resource type, quality, location and tenure across Tasmania.

Stage 2:

  1. Provide  a  report  to  the  Minister  for  Energy  and  Resources  on  the outcomes of functions (1) and (2).
  2. ​Arising from the outcomes of functions (1) and (2), assess whether there is a need for Government to facilitate solutions and, if so:
  • consider other representatives for the Panel, to be recommended to the Minister for appointment
  • develop options for enhancing the value of the hardwood plantation resource for the owners of the resource and the community generally
  • develop implementation steps for a preferred option(s), including identification of barriers that will need to be addressed.


The Panel commenced its work in September 2013 and provided its final report to the Minister in November 2013.

Review of the Tasmanian Private Hardwood Plantation Estate 2013 (PDF 771.2 KB)


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