The Forestry Fair Contract Code 2003 was prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Forestry (Fair Contract Codes) Act 2001. ​

The Standard Conditions contained in the Forestry Fair Contract Code apply to all Forestry Contracts entered into for the following types of forestry op​era​tion:​​

a) planting trees for commercial timber production;

b) managing trees that have been planted for commercial timber production, but limited to the following silviculture activities:

  • thinning
  • pruning
  • fertilising
  • pest and weed control
  • fire and weed management;

​​c) ​harvesting trees for commercial timber production;

d) transporting timber that has been harvested for commercial purposes;

e) land clearing associated with a forestry operation specified elsewhere in this definition; and

f) road construction and quarrying associated with a forestry operation specified elsewhere in this definition.

Forestry Fair Contract Code 2003 (PDF 35.6 KB)