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Department of State Growth

Forest Stewardship Council Certification for Sustainable Timber Tasmania

The Tasmanian Government recognises the significant benefits that Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) certification could bring to the native forest industry.

Both Australian and Tasmanian governments provided funding to support Sustainable Timber Tasmania in seeking FSC certification and the Australian Government is supporting FSC Australia to develop a national standard.

Forest Certification is a voluntary process by which the planning and implementation of forest operations are audited by a qualified independent third party. Producers that attain certification are able to provide consumers with wood products with an assurance that they were sourced from sustainably managed forests.

Sustainable Timber Tasmania holds certification from the other large international forest certification body, the Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) through its certification by the Australian Forestry Standard (AFS).

FSC has been recognised as an international organisation that provides a system for different stakeholders interested in forest issues to work towards responsible forest management. In providing this system, FSC promotes environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world’s forests.

In March 2016, an audit report confirmed Sustainable Timber Tasmania is meeting more than 90 per cent of the indicators required for FSC certification. Sustainable Timber Tasmania continues to work towards FSC certification.

Further details on the FSC certification process can be found on STT's website.


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