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Department of State Growth

Tasmanian Wood Encouragement Policy

The Tasmanian Wood Encouragement Policy (the Policy) was launched by the Minister for Resources on 21 July 2017 and has been incorporated as a procurement policy within the Tasmanian Government Treasurer’s Instructions.​

The Policy ensures sustainably sourced wood is fully considered, where feasible, in Tasmanian Government procurement, particularly for new buildings and refurbishment projects. It does not mandate wood, but rather seeks to ensure that wood is considered as a key design component where:

  • it represents value for money,
  • it provides appropriate quality and functionality,
  • it complies with the Buy Local Policy,
  • there are no technical or performance reasons for not considering wood, and,
  • it complies with relevant Australian Standards.

Development of the Policy was supported by a sub-committee of the Ministerial Advisory Council on Forestry (MAC) and informed through extensive consultation with industry and government stakeholders.

The contribution of the Latrobe Council (Victoria) is particularly noted in allowing the use of substantial elements of their Wood Encouragement Policy.


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