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Department of State Growth

Have Your Say

The Tasmanian Government is committed to providing opportunities for community involvement in the development of Government policy and we are seeking your input on the Regional Forest Agreement (RFA) Outcomes report 5 yearly review (PDF 2.1 MB).

The purpose of the Outcomes report is to facilitate the extension of the RFA. This is done by reporting on against an agreed set of criteria as outlined in the Tasmanian RFA, demonstrating ecological sustainable forest management in Tasmania. These criteria demonstrate how Tasmania provides for maintenance of a balance of environmental, social and economic values of its forests.

The Tasmanian RFA was first signed on 8 November 1997, and covers the whole state of Tasmania. On 18 August 2017 the Tasmanian RFA was varied by the Australian and Tasmanian Governments to establish a 20-year extension, with the introduction of a rolling extension contingent on the satisfactory completion of five-yearly reviews.

The RFA is a framework document that seeks to balance economic, social and environmental demands on forestry by setting obligations and commitments for forest management that deliver:

  • Certainty of resource access and supply to industry
  • Ecologically sustainable forest management
  • A permanent forest conservation estate.

How to make a submission

All written submissions on the RFA Outcomes report must be received by midnight on 30 August 2024

Submissions can be forwarded to:

Mail: 4 Salamanca Place Hobart TAS 7000 Australia, GPO Box 536, Hobart, TAS, 7001 Australia

Other than indicated below, submissions will be treated as public information and will be published on our website at Forest Policy Page on the DSG website When the independent reviewer makes his recommendations report in response to the RFA Outcomes Report, submissions will be published online along with the report. This is expected to be in November 2024.

No personal information will be published when submissions are compiled and released.

For further information, please contact:

Accessbility of submissions

The Government recognises that not all individuals or groups are equally placed to access and understand information.  We are therefore committed to ensuring Government information is accessible and easily understood by people with diverse communication needs

Where possible, please consider typing your submission in plain English and providing it in a format such as Microsoft Word or equivalent.

The Government cannot however take responsibility for the accessibility of documents provided by third parties.

Important information to note

Your name (or the name of the organisation) will not be published.

Your submission will be treated as confidential.

Copyright in submissions remains with the author(s), not with the Tasmanian Government.

The Department will not publish, in whole or in part, submissions containing defamatory or offensive material.  If your submission includes information that could enable the identification of other individuals then either all or parts of the submission will not be published.

The Right to Information Act 2009 and confidentiality

Information provided to the Government may be provided to an applicant under the provisions of the Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI). If you have indicated that you wish all or part of your submission to be treated as confidential, your statement detailing the reasons may be taken into account in determining whether or not to release the information in the event of an RTI application for assessed disclosure.  You may also be contacted to provide any further comment.