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Extending the Tasmanian RFA

The Australian and Tasmanian governments committed to establish a 20 year rolling extension to the Tasmanian Regional Forest Agreement (RFA).

A Joint Working Group (JWG) of senior government officials was established in 2014 to oversee negotiations for the RFA extension.  At the time, the JWG included representatives from the Australian Government Departments of Environment and Energy and Agriculture and Water Resources (now the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment), and the Tasmanian Government Departments of State Growth and Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (now the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania).

A variation to the Tasmanian RFA was signed on 18 August 2017 by the Australian and Tasmanian governments. A consolidated version of the R​FA, which includes all previous amendments, including the 2017 variation, is also provided.

2017 Variation to the Tasmanian RFA (PDF 1.7 MB)

Consolidated version of the RFA  (PDF 504.4 KB)

The process of extending the Tasmanian RFA involved the completion or development of a number of documents:

Independent Reviewer’s Report on the third five-yearly review of the RFA (PDF 1.2 MB)

Joint Government Response to the third five-yearly review

Further Assessment of Matters Report (PDF 11.3 MB)

Report Summarising the Feedback from the 2016 public consultation (PDF 193.2 KB)

Tasmania’s Forest Management System – An Overview

Public Consultation

Stakeholders had an initial opportunity to provide feedback (from 17 April to 12 June 2015) about extending the Tasmanian RFA, as part of the third five-yearly review of the RFA. This initial feedback, and the Independent Reviewer’s report to the third five-yearly review of the Tasmanian RFA informed the focus of an additional round of consultation, which was conducted from 22 November to 23 December 2016. Further detail on how public consultation was conducted is provided in a report summarising the feedback from the additional public consultation on the extended RFA.​

Report Summarising the Feedback from the 2016 public consultation (PDF 193.2 KB)

Public Submis​​sions, December 2016

A total of 30 wri​tten submissions were received in the representation period.​

​Listed below are the publically available submissions to the December 2016 public consultation on extending the RFA.

Alan Ashbarry (individual)  (PDF 372.7 KB)

Amy Robertson (individual) (PDF 833.0 KB)

Australian Forest Contractors Association (PDF 204.1 KB)

Chris Harwood (individual)  (PDF 330.0 KB)

Circular Head Council  (PDF 229.7 KB)

Climate Action North West  (PDF 396.9 KB)

Environmental Defenders Office (TAS) Inc (PDF 371.7 KB)

Huon Resource Development Group 1 (PDF 1.1 MB)

Huon Resource Development Group 2 (PDF 519.6 KB)

Ian Newman (individual) (PDF 3.0 MB)

Michael Buky (individual) (PDF 528.5 KB)

North West Environment Centre (PDF 501.7 KB)

Patricia Ellison (individual) (PDF 6.5 KB)

Paul O'​Halloran (individual) (PDF 108.5 KB)

Peter Godfrey (individual) (PDF 314.9 KB)

Richard Donaghey (individual) (PDF 437.7 KB)

Rosemary Farrell (individual (PDF 811.1 KB))

Simon Roberts (individual) (PDF 993.8 KB)

Tasmanian Conservation Trust (PDF 334.6 KB)

Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association (PDF 355.3 KB)

Tasmanian Parliamentary Greens (PDF 761.0 KB)

Tasmanian Public and Environment Health Network (PDF 309.6 KB)

The Environment Association (PDF 152.5 KB)


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